Religion Video 0 0 14 sec read PWDs are PRODUCTIVE and EQUAL gisinitiative July 18, 2016 To achieve, a society where PWDs are seen as PRODUCTIVE and EQUAL members of our communities, a lot of things need to CHANGE, on a family level! #disabilityawareness #naffetusobola
Religion Video 0 0 4 sec read REAL people with REAL stories!! gisinitiative July 18, 2016 We are REAL people with REAL stories!! #LittlebitsaboutLittlePeople #WeAreSoMuchMore
Religion Video 0 0 4 sec read Inclusive Disability Employment gisinitiative July 18, 2016 The key to Inclusive disability employment is #accessibilityforall! #naffetusobola
Religion Video 0 0 5 sec read Making jobs more accessible for PWDs gisinitiative July 18, 2016 Can we all support making jobs more accessible for PWDs? #naffeTusobola