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Did you know that YOU can make a DIFFERENCE between a person being able to vote or not?🤔

And the great news is, you don’t have to do a lot to achieve this.😍🙂

Persons with disabilities have been left behind AGAIN, in this election.😢

But we want our voices to be heard too and this requires help from YOU.

I am asking YOU, my FB family, to FULLY support the vulnerable groups on polling day.

  • We need masks and face shields. Please Carry extras, you can give out.
  • Give PWDs , the elderly , pregnant women, mothers, a lift to the polling station.
  • Carry an extra bottle of water or snack to share especially with someone in the vulnerable category.
  • Advocate for persons with disabilities and the elderly to be given SPECIAL attention at the polling station. Like; a few chairs to sit on as they wait in line.
  • Work with your Local council leadership to see how you can help to ensure a peaceful voting day.

Thank you so much!!🙏


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